Electro-Acupuncture utilizes a small current, around 1/1000 of what it takes to light a lightbulb, to stimulate the nervous system to trigger the release these chemicals. This gives acupuncturists greater specificity when maximizing healing effects in different target tissue- muscle, tendon, ligament, joint capsule, bone, etc.
What Does E-Stim Feel Like- Does it hurt?
No pain, no gain, right? Wrong! In the hands of a master acupuncturist, electro-stimulation should not hurt at all. Once the acupuncture needles are inserted, alligator clips are placed on the handle and connected to a small stimulator. That device allows for a very specific frequency (hz) and intensity. Once the speed of the stimulation is selected- anywhere from one beat per second to over a hundred- the intensity is slowly turned up until the patient barely feels it. That’s it! Then, for maximum relief, the treatment remains in place for 10-30 minutes. Patients are also given a button to alert the practitioner if anything does not feel right. I find that the button usually gets pressed because the patient stops feeling anything at all. So, we carefully adjust the intensity and continue.
Here is a summary of our body’s pain killers that acupuncture enhances with
(1 hz = 1 pulse/second):
- NK cells 4 hz
- Beta-endorphins 2-4 hz
- Enkephalins 2-4 hz
- Dynorphins 100 hz
- Orphanin 2/15 hz alternating
- 5-HTP 20-50 hz
- Oxytocin 2-15 hz
- Dopamine 2 hz, 15-30 hz
- NOS 2 hz, 15-30 hz
Use in Sports Medicine
Electro-Acupuncture targeting the release of specific endorphins enhances the effects. I can relax specific taut ropy muscle tissue, decrease stress on associated tendons and joints, and improve posture across large joints to prevent future injury. I can also adjust the frequency of the electro-stimulation in different phases of the healing process to reduce swelling, optimize blood flow, repair tissue, decrease tightness and guarding, etc by releasing the specific biochemicals needed for each scenario.
Conditions Treated
- Accelerates tissue healing: wounds, skin ulcers, etc.
- Facial Toning
- Paralysis
- Acute and chronic pain conditions
- Acupuncture anesthesia for surgical procedures
- Reduction of Immunosuppression
- Multiple Sclerosis
- Traumatic Affective Disorders
- Substance abuse/ addictions
- Depression
- Xerostomia
- And many others…