Getting Started

Sun Acupuncture

Your First Visit

After completing your short intake forms (this is a medical practice), you will be brought from the waiting area into one of our beautiful treatment rooms for care.

Your acupuncturist will meet you and go over your concerns, asking for specific details to assess your issues in terms of severity, importance, and how you experience and relate to them as well as beginning the process of diagnosis from both an Eastern and Western viewpoint.  

With this information a diagnosis and treatment plan is completed which includes, depending on your needs, a pulse diagnosis to assess organ health, a physical exam for neuromuscular injuries, and a treatment plan that is conservative, straightforward, and comprehensive.

At this point, we will expertly apply acupuncture, Chinese herbs, and adjunctive services beginning on the first visit to effectively fulfill the goals outlined in the treatment plan:



A method of supporting the body/mind systems in their own natural healing processes.

Emotional Release Class

Emotional Release Class

Techniques and support to free emotions trapped in the unconscious causing stress and imbalances.

Chinese Herbs

Chinese Herbs

Medicinal herbs are an essential component of traditional Chinese medicine.

Sports Medicine Acupuncture®

Sports Medicine Acupuncture®

Combining modern orthopedics with acupuncture and rehab for your complete recovery from pain.

The entire visit will last one hour. We prefer open dialogue. If you have questions or concerns do not be afraid to voice them and have it all out in the open, even if you do not see how it relates. That way, your care will move along more quickly and holistically! We appreciate you taking this next, very important step on your healing and human adventure. We’ll see you soon!

Transform your health. Book your acupuncture appointment today!